Leading Aviation Service Provider AAR Corp Launches Campaign To Reverse Erosion Of Sector Workforce

Jan. 30, 2019
The global aviation industry is undergoing an unprecedented expansion that is expected to double the number of commercial aircraft in operation over the next 20 years.

The global aviation industry is undergoing an unprecedented expansion that is expected to double the number of commercial aircraft in operation over the next 20 years. There has been much discussion in the industry about where all the pilots needed to fly those planes will come from.

Much less attention is being given to an equally pressing workforce issue: training and credentialing hundreds of thousands of aircraft maintenance technicians and other support personnel so that the global fleet can be kept safe and ready to fly.

Read more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lorenthompson/2019/01/30/leading-mro-operator-aar-corp-launches-campaign-to-reverse-erosion-of-sector-workforce/#26a88cab1038