Five New Members to be Inducted into Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame

Jan. 23, 2019
Five new members will be inducted into Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame in May 2019.

Five new members will be inducted into Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame in May 2019.

“In 2019, Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame will honor five individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Canadian aviation,” says Rod Sheridan, chairman of the board for the hall. “Honored this year are two fighter pilots of the Second World War who post-war continued in aviation development for the rest of their lives. As well, we will honor three individuals whose accomplishments in civil aviation have made advancements in the industry from the design and development of aircraft to building airlines.”

The 2019 inductions will bring to 237 the number of Canadians who have been installed as members of the Hall of Fame, which is located at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum in Wetaskiwin, Alberta.

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