Gray Manufacturing Company Inc.

St. Joseph, Missouri 64503


About Gray Manufacturing Company Inc.


3501 S Leonard Rd
St. Joseph, Missouri 64503
United States

More Info on Gray Manufacturing Company Inc.

Gray markets professional shop service equipment directly to the end user. Products include: wireless portable lift systems, forklift jacks, floor jacks, vehicle lifts, fluid handlers,Vehicle support stands, transmission jacks and more.

Products and Press Releases

Wirelessportableliftsystem2 10026430
Shop Equipment

Wireless Portable Lift System 2

Oct. 16, 2007
The patented Wireless Portable Lift System requires no cords or cables for operation. Each lift has a capacity of 16,000 lbs., can be used in sets of 2, 4, or 6 lifts, and can...
4tonairhydraulicforkliftjack 10025953
Vehicle Lifts & Maintenance

4 Ton Air/Hydraulic Forklift Jack

June 22, 2007
Gray introduces its new 4 ton air/hydraulic forklift jack, Model FLJ-400C A/H. It eliminates manual pumping by allowing air to do the lifting for you. The forklift jack features...
Wirelessportableliftsystem 10026061
Shop Equipment

Wireless Portable Lift System

June 22, 2007
The patented wireless portable lift system requires no cords or cables for operation. Each lift has a capacity of 16,000 pounds, can be used in sets of two, four, or six lifts...


Sissy Wilson

Sales Director

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