8 Essential Tips for Safe Aircraft Towing

May 2, 2024
8 Essential Tips for Safe Aircraft Towing
Aero Specialties

Safety is for everyone at a fixed-base operator (FBO) and that includes anyone involved in aircraft towing, according to Pete Johnson, director of sales and service, Americas at Aero Specialties. He emphasizes eight important details crucial to safe towing operations.

These include:

1.     Safety should be first, always. Regardless of experience, prioritize safety above all else.

2.     Learn continuously. Encourage ongoing training and stay updated on best practices.

3.     Avoid complacency. Remind everyone that even experienced individuals can make mistakes if they become complacent.

4.     Use clear communication. Stress the importance of effective communication among team members.

5.     Respect equipment and aircraft. Encourage proper equipment use and maintenance and treat aircraft carefully.

6.     Adaptability is key. Be flexible and willing to adjust plans.

7.     Lead by example. Experienced individuals should set a positive example for safe practices.

8.     Stay humble and open-minded. There's always more to learn, so remain open to new ideas and techniques.

“By emphasizing these messages and lessons,” Johnson says, “you can help ensure that all individuals involved in aircraft towing operations, including experienced professionals, remain focused on safety, continuous improvement and professionalism.”