Transport Category Aircraft Systems 4th Edition Coming Soon

June 9, 2020

The industry favorite Transport Category Aircraft Systems is now in its fourth edition. Transport aircraft systems have undergone many changes in the rapidly advancing electronic age, and this latest edition of Transport Category Aircraft Systems can help you make sense of them. Professor Wild has updated the book to include the latest aircraft and removed the aircraft that are no longer commonly seen.

Designed for readers who already have some knowledge of aeronautical terminology and basic aircraft systems, this book provides in-depth explanations and detailed illustrations of transport-category aircraft and their onboard systems. It introduces complex systems by explaining the basics that are common to all large aircraft. By understanding how a system works on a specific aircraft, the reader can transfer that knowledge to other aircraft.

Transport Category Aircraft Systems 4th edition will be available for order in July. If you have any questions regarding this textbook or would like to place a preorder you can call or email us at: 800.828.6835, [email protected]

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