Videotel Digital Sense Solution Grabs Attention at Digital Signage Expo 2016

May 10, 2016

In Las Vegas at the Digital Signage Expo 2016, Videotel Digital created a stir resulting in phenomenal interest for their newest product. The Sense Solution captured the attention of passersby who, when lured in by an inviting video, walked closer to the leading manufacturer’s booth. This engagement signaled Sense to trigger new specialized images that “talked to” them about Videotel’s newest signage solution. Garnering the power twins - customer engagement and dwell time - the company’s reps say, Sense conquered by way of unavoidable interactivity.

Lisa Schneider, VP of marketing and sales at Videotel said of the show-stopping interactive signage solution, “What a great place to prove the capability of this product at the digital signage industry’s biggest annual event. We knew we were on to something when attendees lingered completely engaged by the futuristic component of this digital signage proximity sensor. Sense is a game-changer because it optimizes the viewer’s experience in a conversational way.”

With its ability to know proximity, and use it to an advantage, the Sense interactive digital signage solution has a smart sensor that detects human distance. Useful for a display, kiosk, end cap, or a venue’s general area, users can loop an “attract” video until someone approaches. When the desired distance from the display screen is reached, Sense will trigger a different video with more informative content.

Targeting areas that are frequented, of special use, and in need of sensory digital signage, Sense provides a human aspect to exhibits. It will even say goodbye when the viewer walks away from the interactive video display. The programmable Sense Solution IR sensor has a sensitivity range of between three and eighteen feet. Sense is used in tandem with the VP71XD Interactive Digital Signage Player. Together the digital signage media player and sensory solution retail for $493.

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