More Info on SAS-INC

At SAS-INC, our goal is to provide exceptional work for those who appreciate exceptional service.

Simpson Aerospace Services manufactures and installs aircraft stands for commercial and military applications. Our stands provide safe access and work platforms for aircraft technicians and mechanics. They reduce your overall equipment needs, and save you repair time and money.

Simpson Alloy Services builds furnaces, components, and fixtures for the Heat Treat industry. Our services include on-site repairs and installations. We also offer specialty products including high temperature, recirculating fans.

Products and Press Releases

Simpson Aerospace
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Man Lifts, Platforms & Work Stands

Wi-Fi Access Stands

Aug. 14, 2023
Safety and efficiency are the hallmarks of a new line of Wi-Fi Access Stands custom manufactured by Simpson Aerospace Services. These stands allow line maintenance crews to access...
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Man Lifts, Platforms & Work Stands

Wi-Fi Access Stands

Dec. 19, 2022
Simpson Aerospace offers Wi-Fi access stands for narrow- and wide-body planes with unparalleled levels of safety and efficiency. Crew members work within a completely enclosed...

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