MTU Aero Engines Plans Gradual Restart of Operations

April 14, 2020
Following the current three-week suspension of operations, MTU Aero Engines is planning a gradual restart of operations at its German sites. Capacities will be increased according to demand and the situation in the supply chain.

Following the current three-week suspension of operations, MTU Aero Engines is planning a gradual restart of operations at its German sites. Capacities will be increased according to demand and the situation in the supply chain. Extensive measures have been prepared to protect employees’ health.

Short-time working will apply from Apr. 20, at the company’s largest facility in Munich. This will be successively adjusted according to capacity requirements. In the first few weeks, a gradual increase in the presence of employees from both industrial and administrative areas is planned. In the week from Apr. 20, around 20 percent of employees will already be working. In the following weeks, the volume of work will further increase gradually.

The restart at MTU Maintenance’s facilities in Hannover and Berlin will commence on Apr., 27. Some of the international maintenance locations are already operating at a high level, while others are adjusting very flexibly to suit customer needs and demand. Capacity adjustment measures, which may include short-time working, are still being determined.

Employees in short-time working will receive their salary from MTU proportionate to the number of hours worked, the short-time working allowance financed by the German Federal Employment Agency and a subsidy from the company. The Executive Board and senior management have waived income and set up a solidarity fund of more than four million euros for cases of particular hardship during short-time working.

Organizational and technical measures to prevent corona infections will be carried out throughout the restart of operations, ensuring high standards of health protection are maintained for employees at the facilities.