Swoop Forced to Delay US Debut

Oct. 22, 2018
At least two dozen of Swoop’s first U.S.-Canada flights have been canceled because regulatory approvals have taken longer than expected.

The highly anticipated debut of U.S. service has turned into a big “oops” for Canadian budget airline Swoop.

Swoop had planned to begin flying to the United States this month, a move that would have made it the first Canadian “ultra low-cost carrier” to begin flying to destinations here.

But now at least two dozen of Swoop’s first U.S.-Canada flights have been canceled because regulatory approvals have taken longer than expected.

Read more: https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/todayinthesky/2018/10/19/swoop-slow-regulatory-approvals-delay-us-flights/1700091002/