Nomination Period for 2023 Leaders of the Year Now Open

Dec. 13, 2022
These annual awards recognize people and companies making a difference in the ground support industry. All winners will be featured in the May issue of the magazine.
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Ground Support Worldwide is currently seeking nominations for the 2023 Leaders of the Year.

These annual awards recognize people and companies making a difference in the ground support industry. All winners will be featured in the May issue of the magazine.

The Product/Service Leader of the Year celebrates the products, services and manufacturers making a difference in the industry. The deadline to nominate a product or service provider is Feb. 10, 2023.

The Team Leader of the Year goes to an individual who has taken a leadership role with personnel. To nominate someone for this award, file a submission by Feb. 17, 2023.

The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a person who has demonstrated commitment to the industry through numerous years of dedicated service. Nominations for this award will be accepted until Feb. 24, 2023.

To nominate someone for the 2023 Leaders of the Year program, visit the corresponding links below.

Product/Service Leader of the Year 

Team Leader of the Year

Lifetime Achievement 

About the Author

Josh Smith | Editor