Parts Package for PT6T-3 Reduction Gearboxes

March 7, 2023
Pratt & Whitney
Pt6 T 3 B Qld 6407494bd507e

Pratt & Whitney Canada, a business unit of Pratt & Whitney, has expanded its P&WCSMART portfolio with a new “flat rate” parts package – comprised of new major assembly parts replaced during a scheduled reduction gearbox clutch inspection – available for several PT6T-3 engine models.

The P&WCSMART Clutch Inspection New Parts Package for PT6T-3 reduction gearboxes is offered to customers flying helicopters powered by PT6T-3BE, PT6T-3BG, PT6T-3D, PT6T-3DE and PT6T-3DF TwinPac engines. 

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