Hotsy waste oil heaters

Dec. 10, 2008
Hotsy is broadening its product line to include a line of waste oil heaters. Waste oil heaters burn waste oil and other petroleum-based products, and are often used as a secondary heating source. Waste oil heaters offer an alternative to costly waste-oil disposal. Instead of paying high fees for the waste oil to be removed and disposed of properly, companies can cut down on their heating fuel expenses by burning used oil and converting it to energy to heat their shop. Three of the four Hotsy waste oil heater models will be equipped with an on-board air compressor, while all models have an upgraded waste oil supply pump for consistent, trouble-free operation. Other features include Btu input ranging from 155,000 to 500,000; .75- to 3.6-hp blower motor horsepower; accessible design means cleaning time is 75 percent less than a traditional heater; swing-out removable burner for easy access cleaning and maintenance; dual, multi-directional air outlets; and efficient clean combustion. For more information visit

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