Flight 447's Recorders May Never Be Found

June 3, 2009
French government has sent a research vessel with a deep-diving submersible on board to the area where the plane's debris was found.

PARIS, FRANCE (CNN) — French officials -- who said there is now no hope that anyone survived the crash of an Air France jet that plunged into the Atlantic -- said Wednesday they may never find the doomed jets' flight data recorders.

The Airbus 330, with 216 passengers and 12 crew members on board, disappeared from radar screens, some three hours after it took off from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil en route to Paris.

A memorial for the victims of Flight AF 447, which included 61 people from France, 58 Brazilians, 26 Germans, and people from 29 other countries, will take place at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris at 10 a.m. ET (4 p.m. GMT). Brazil has declared three days of mourning.

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