South Korean cargo operator mulls investing in Bulgarian airport

March 23, 2012
The state corporation for the management of the airports in South Korea has shown strong interest in transforming the closed airport in Stara Zagora into one of the largest cargo airports in Europe, Capital Daily reads. The airport, which has been closed in the past 11 years, has been reviewed by companies from China, Singapore and Kazakhstan. The airport, occupying 6,000 decares, boasts of a strategic location close to the Trakia Motorway and three of the European corridors. The initial investment in such facility is estimated at some USD 400mn.

The state corporation for the management of the airports in South Korea has shown strong interest in transforming the closed airport in Stara Zagora into one of the largest cargo airports in Europe, Capital Daily reads. The airport, which has been closed in the past 11 years, has been reviewed by companies from China, Singapore and Kazakhstan. The airport, occupying 6,000 decares, boasts of a strategic location close to the Trakia Motorway and three of the European corridors. The initial investment in such facility is estimated at some USD 400mn.

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