ACI-NA Urges White House and Congress to Free Nation’s Airports

July 8, 2011
Airport funding restrictions at issue

Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) President Greg Principato has written to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden, and the bipartisan congressional leadership, urging them to remove the federal government’s restrictions on airport funding, facilitating critical aviation infrastructure development and job creation in a way that meets the demands from both liberal and conservative lawmakers.

In his letters, Principato stressed that, “By removing the federal government from regulating how local communities and their airports generate resources for investment in aviation infrastructure, you can do the right thing for the economy and for our nation, while also pursuing a course that is good politics all the way around.”

Principato’s letter went on to emphasize that allowing airports more financial freedom makes great sense given the need to reduce federal spending and federal involvement in local decisions in the midst of unprecedented debt and deficit issues, the effects of a lack of investment in the nation’s infrastructure, and high unemployment.

Principato also expressed ACI-NA’s commitment to working with the White House and Congress to ensure infrastructure investment; economic growth and job creation are realized by modernizing the way

U.S. airports are regulated, reducing Washington’s role and giving local communities power over their economic future.