Top 10 Reasons to Lease GSE

Dec. 18, 2020

For airlines, cargo handlers, FBOs, or ground handlers, GSE leasing can offer benefits that owning equipment can’t. All businesses are different and there are some cases where owning equipment could make sense, but if you want the flexibility to respond to changing business and financial needs, leasing is probably the best fit for your business.

Xcēd has years of experience working with a wide range of leases and the knowledge to create a customized solution to fit your needs. To help you make the right decision for your business, take a look at our list of the top 10 reasons to lease GSE:

1. Minimizing your risk

Leasing means that you aren’t burdened by the risks that come with ownership such as, owning equipment that doesn’t fit your operation or owning equipment that is out of date and doesn’t have the latest technology.

2. Changing equipment needs

If you own a piece of equipment and your business needs change, you could be faced with a tough decision: buy another piece of equipment or miss an opportunity. Leasing from Xcēd offers the flexibility of being able to swap out equipment that better fits your operation.

3. Finding the right equipment

Leasing from Xcēd gives you the flexibility to test equipment from different manufacturers to learn how it performs over time, enabling you to make an educated decision about the equipment the best fits your needs.

4. Possible tax benefits

Many, but not all, businesses can deduct their lease or rental payments as operating expenses. 

5. Having newer equipment

Xcēd leases are generally 3-to-7 years in length, which helps you avoid keeping GSE past the point when it becomes too expensive to keep it in service.  

6. You need less capital

Cargo loaders, towbarless pushbacks, and deicers are necessary but very expensive pieces of equipment that can bust your budget. Xcēd gives you the option to lease or rent what would otherwise be costly equipment until you have the financial capacity to purchase it. 

7. Avoid manufacturer’s lead times

Many manufacturers have 3-to-6-month lead times on even the most common GSE, while Xcēd keeps inventory of ground support equipment at our Indianapolis shop. We keep air starts, air conditioners, baggage tractors, belt loaders, cargo loaders, deicers, GPUs, heaters, pushbacks, and other GSE in stock.

8. Flexible terms

Selling off leases is a common practice of many companies, but at Xcēd, we hold our leases to give you and us flexibility to change your lease as your equipment needs change.

9. You can move your equipment

We know that needs can differ station to station and work with our customers to move their leased equipment based on their needs. 

10. Working with our incredible team

We saved the best for last. Our team is the best reason to lease from Xcēd. We have experience working with customers of different sizes and needs and provide superior customer support to make the leasing process worry-free from start to finish.