BETA Fueling Systems Program Attempts to Drive Innovation Through Build-Off

Jan. 4, 2016

BETA Fueling Systems hosts an annual one-day Build-Off competition for its employees’ across the company. The goal of the contest is to unearth the ideas they may have for new products and give them a chance to develop. Ultimately, this is a team-building event to foster cooperation and teamwork throughout the company, but other companies may be surprised at the viable product ideas that come from this event.

The setup for the Build-Off is simple.

  • Group employees into teams. Ensure a wide array of skill sets and company-wide departments are represented on each team. Think accountants learning from welders with sales lending a hand to ensure marketability. 
  • Provide all participants with one short strategy session to hit certain milestones and the rules for the competition. Ask participants to consider the following:
    • The type of product they'll want to make
    • How they'll use their day of development and design
    • What their product needs to prove viability
    • What roles each team member can fill to check the boxes for viability criteria
  • Give everyone the day to create, mock-up and design the product the team has decided on.
  • At the end of the day, each team presents their product idea to a panel of judges who determine a winner.
  • Boom! Your next profitable product has been discovered. R&D in one day.

BETA advises that organizers create hub spaces for every team that allow for easy collaboration on the day of the competition. The hubs have the added effect of creating a bartering system for skill sets and making everyone, yes everyone, participate. Every single employee has a skill set that they can offer their team. Ending the day-long competition with an awards ceremony ties the whole event together nicely. Also, there is something about a trophy and bragging rights that goes a long way for company morale and comradery.

The event is always fun, collaborative and gives every employee the opportunity to work with people they may not interact with on a day-to-day basis. 

Obliterate silos, both communication silos and thought silos, by using the untapped resources in your current pool of employees. All employees can offer first-hand expertise to product designs that would enhance their importance and your bottom line. Enhancement leads to productivity which then turns to profit. If your company is able to manufacture it, then they win two-fold. This annual competition for BETA Fueling Systems has provided the company with ideas and inspiration that have been incorporated into the products they currently offer and new products soon to come on the market.