It Wears Me Out Thinking of It!

Feb. 4, 2015
I am proud to say that I never—ever—missed a speech because of weather.

The night before the blizzard hit Boston, son Kevin was scheduled to depart BOS for California at 8 p.m. The airline kept telling him that the flight was still on. He took a cab to BOS, arriving at 7 p.m. The flight didn’t leave at 8 p.m. To make a long story short, he got on and off of two airplanes, then finally—after 1 a.m. the following morning—he left the airport, but not in an airplane going to California. He rode a cab right back to his home in the Boston area.

Lawd, Lawd that reminded me of so many trips. During my career as a professional public speaker I traveled in 50 states and a few foreign countries. Among other things, I…

Got iced in overnight in Texas, of all places.

Drove a rental car in each and every state.

Spent several nights on the floor at ATL.

Once drove three different rental cars in three different states in one day.

Fell into a snowdrift in Minneapolis about midnight.

Spoke on Marco Island (south Florida) one night, and In Aspen, (or was it Vail) early the next afternoon.

Spent a grand total of 56 minutes in bed in Atlanta the night before I was on the Oprah show in Chicago early the next morning.

I could go on, but it wears me out just thinking about it.

In all of that, I am proud to say that I never—ever—missed a speech because of weather. All in all, my tenacity, the airline system and the airports did a pretty good job together.