Are We Ready?

Sept. 5, 2012
Folks, no matter who gets elected in November, one fact remains ...

There is a popular song — “Better Get Ready.” Methinks that song should be sung loudly to everybody in aviation.

Each week we receive reports from several sources about the future of aviation. These are written by people who are smarter than I, so I read the reports avidly. Still, like the late, great Andy Rooney, I wonder.

Folks, no matter who gets elected in November, one fact remains: This country will still be facing what must be the worst financial mess in the history of this country. If we get out of it at all — and any other option is too sad to imagine — we will have to cut guvmint spending to the bone, and then some, for a long time to come. We’re not talking about little easy “band aid” cuts, but deep, bloody gashes. Tourniquets may be required.

At the same time, increased taxes may be expected.

I wonder — is aviation ready for this? Or are we going in blindly? The airlines — you might remember — are still to this day trying to get used to market deregulation, and that was more than three decades ago.

Are we ready for cuts in funding, subsidies, and other help? I doubt it.

Yes, I know we have our alphabet associations representing us in Washington, and Lord knows we’re going to need them. But, we will still face cuts. Remember, thanks to many citizens — Obama being one of them — corporate jets are but one more luxury for greedy, rich capitalistic pigs. Not even the airborne busses we call airlines are free of this stigma. To the half of our population that pays no taxes at all, airline flight must seem a luxury.

Bluntly, any part of our industry that can’t make a profit without guvmint support should be making plans.