Communication is Key

Sept. 21, 2011

Communication skills are often evaluated in companies and employees are often rated according to their personal skills. But what about companies? Lack of communication is at the top of the list of the twelve most common maintenance-related causes of errors, known as the Dirty Dozen, here are a few things to consider:

Do you share business goals with your team members?

Do you share strategies with those that will have to implement them?

Do you let others know changes in scheduling so they can cover if needed?

Job descriptions today can be flexible. And with the tremendous changes occurring in technology, employees are constantly required to gain new skills to keep up. Are there descriptions of everyone’s role in the team, are they up-to-date, do roles change frequently, and is that information shared on a team level or just to the individual directly involved?

Does your company have a newsletter that communicates achievements and changes? Or what other methods do you use to track company growth (or loss)?

Communication is not only an important part of each department, it is affected and shaped by a company’s culture. When a corporate culture is built on the command and control model, communication in that workplace will probably follow a similar pattern. When a culture is open, promotes respect for one another, and encourages employee involvement, communication in that company or facility will be more open with continuing participation on both the sending and receiving sides.

Failing to communicate effectively can lead to professional setbacks, personal disappointment, breakdown of important relationships, wasting energy and time (and money), and not reaching full potential , whether on a personal level or a company level.

The job environment may be tight these days but to have an effective team and to reach the goals your company has, everyone should communicate and know the important role they play in an organization.

Tell us how you solve communication issues or how your company rates at communicating at [email protected].

Thanks for reading
