Celebrate AMT Day

May 22, 2008
Celebrate You! Celebrate what you do for the industry and celebrate the man who started it all, Charles Taylor on May 24. You can read more about him in this month’s story called "Master Mechanic - Charles Taylor". As you look back at Charlie’s accomplishments maybe you can come up with innovations of your own. Conoco Phillips is awarding a substantial prize for coming up with energy alternatives. The Energy Prize is a new awards program that recognizes innovative ideas and original, actionable solutions that can help improve the way the United States develops and uses energy. In 2008, the program will award up to $300,000 in cash prizes and focus on generating original concepts and resolutions that help in three areas. But there’s a catch (of course), the deadline is May 30. So you have less time than Taylor did for creating a new engine or energy-saving idea. Read more in the "ConocoPhillips Energy Prize" article. And Joe’s farewell column is also available. Joe was a great asset to the industry and the magazine and we’re working on a replacement and will let you know as soon as we can. Thanks for reading and have a safe Memorial Day weekend. Barb Zuehlke, Managing Editor