Ground Crew Identification a Vital Component in General Aviation

May 29, 2018
By enforcing identification standards for all employees, operators mitigate the risk of security breaches.

CrewID’s technology clearly distinguishes itself by offering real-time verification for any credential, anywhere in the world. Kevin Wiig, Director of Aviation for Berwind Corporation states: “Compared to competing crew identification badges typically offered by flight planning and handling organizations, the CrewID offers us a higher level of conformity, substance and reputability. In addition, the application process was efficient, timely, cost effective and professional.”

Furthermore, CrewID is designed to support both flight crews and ground crews, making it easier for aviation operators to provide identification to their entire staff.

By supporting a wide range of operations, CrewID bridges security distinctions found between different sectors of our industry. These include FBOs, MROs, cargo operations, flight schools and corporate flight departments. To learn more about the features and benefits of CrewID, please visit