Top 40 Under 40: William Borgsmiller

Oct. 7, 2013

William Borgsmiller


Aviation Consultants Inc.

Birthdate: 12/13/1976

Years in Aviation: 24

William Borgsmiller told his mother he wanted to be a pilot at the tender age of 3. And that never changed.
He officially launched his aviation career
at the age of 12 by working part-time for a
small 135 operation in Red Bluff, Calif. that flew Cessna 210s in support of Forest Service operations.
Over the next six years, Borgsmiller worked for and managed a small FBO at the Red Bluff Municipal Airport while working to obtain his Commercial Pilot’s License and A&P Certificate.
After graduating high school, Borgsmiller attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where he completed a Bachelor’s degree in
aeronautical science and furthered his flight training with the addition of ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, and SES ratings.
Later, Borgsmiller moved to Redding, Calif. where he worked as a first officer and co-captain for Sierra Pacific Industries aboard its King Air 200, Conquest II and Hawker 1000.
In 1998, he founded Aviation Consultants Inc. and spent two years working as a regional representative for Texaco aviation products covering northern California and Nevada from his home base in San Luis Obispo.
Since leaving his position with Texaco, he has worked full time within his business as the
president and CEO. During his time with Aviation Consultants Inc. he also obtained his rotorcraft license and NBAA Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) certification.
His advice to newcomers to the industry is to: “Figure out what you love to do [though perhaps not at the age of 3], and focus on becoming the best at it. Try to maximize quality over profit and you will likely find that you have more of both in the end.”