Safety Procedures

April 1, 2002

Safety procedures
Often safety procedures that prevent fires are really good housekeeping. Everything has a place and everything in its place. Here are some critical housekeeping Do's and Don'ts for fire and personnel safety.

o Keep bearings lubricated so they don't run too hot.
o Keep motors and machine tools clean and free of grease and dust that could burn.
o Use a nonflammable material instead of a flammable one whenever possible. There are many cleaners, for instance, that are safer than petrochemical cleaners.
o Clean up flammable liquid leaks and spills immediately.
o Repair any flammable leaks immediately.
o Immediately remove any clothing that has absorbed a flammable liquid.
o Store flammable materials only in designated areas.
o Check container labels and material safety data sheets to make sure you don't store incompatible substances.
o Assume an empty container that once held a flammable liquid still has flammable residue.
o Ground containers when transferring materials to prevent static electricity from igniting materials.
o Place space heaters so they can't fall over.
o Dispose of waste that could burn in covered, airtight metal containers.
o Keep all work clean and free of dust and dirt.
o Keep doorways and passageways clear.

o Leave heating equipment running unattended overnight.
o Leave circuit breakers blocked in a closed position.
o Store oxygen cylinders near combustible materials.
o Handle oxygen cylinders with oily hands or gloves.
o Refill a space heater unless it's turned off.
o Store materials so high that they block
o Let waste materials accumulate in the work area.
o Smoke in designated "no smoking" areas.