Shutterbugs Wanted!

June 1, 2006
Send in your photos to be featured on our online photo slideshow.
This past year has been a fun one to be involved with Thanks to you, our website has continued to expand the offerings to aircraft maintenance professionals. Starting with our website re-design in March of 2005, we have focused on continuing to grow this website. We have added numerous new features including a job listing through our partner, a new expanded Forum section, online IA renewal seminars, daily news updates, and of course this blog where I have had plenty of fun (albeit extra work) posting regular columns.

One of the new features on our website is our photo slideshow on our homepage. I looked to a sister website for this idea. You see, readers send in photos to the website to have them posted for their peers to see. Whether a fire or an accident or relief efforts after a disaster, their readers share their photos with each other. It always has new photos being submitted by readers and posted to the slideshow.

And that is what we are looking for with the slideshow. Send us your photos! There are numerous opportunities. How about you or your co-workers at work? That latest cool plane that landed at your airport? Community events? Basically, send us pictures whenever you get a chance. You can e-mail your digital photos to [email protected]. You can put “Photo Slideshow” in the subject line to expedite the process.

We have provided the canvas. Filling it with cool photos is up to you.

Thanks for reading!

Joe Escobar