Editor's Note

Feb. 6, 2006
I wanted to share the following apropos message from a daily e-newsletter I receive titled A.Word.A.Day.

I wanted to share the following apropos message from a daily e-newsletter I receive titled A.Word.A.Day:

“The wheel of time keeps moving. The old year goes away and the New Year claims its place. There’s a reason we call it the ‘wheel’ of time. The word ‘annual’ comes from the Latin annus meaning a circuit of the sun, hence a year. Flowers don’t bloom any differently just because a new year has begun. Clouds move at the same pace whether it’s a new day or a new century. Yet for humans these markers along the trail of life are quite convenient. We brood about what happened yesterday. We plan things for the next week. And with a new year, we feel our knapsack of time is replenished. Again. What we missed doing last year we might be able to accomplish this time. And so the wheel turns. Ultimately, it’s all relative. A story goes that a man prays to God. God appears and the man says, ‘Lord! Our billions of years are your one second. Our billions of dollars are merely a penny for you. Could you grant me a penny?’ God smiles, says, ‘Certainly! Back in a second,’ and disappears.”

May all your wishes be granted in the New Year! Here’s our wish list…

  • Lower, or at least stable fuel prices

  • The economy continues to grow at a healthy rate

  • Increased GSE supplier and manufacturer sales

  • Improved US airline conditions, or at least stable and growing profitability for airlines

  • Continued increase in business for US suppliers with European airlines and ground handlers

  • Expansion in the Asian and Indian markets

  • Largest airline and military attendance at GSExpo since 2000

  • US removes the restrictions on foreign ownership of domestic airlines

  • No terrorist attacks

  • Airlines make GSE and other related investments based on long-term value rather than short-term lowest price

  • You allow us to tell your story in Ground Support Magazine

What’s on your wish list? Please e-mail me at [email protected] to add to the list.

As always, thank you for reading.