Advanced Charging Technologies Unveils Transformative Rebrand, Reinforcing Commitment to Innovation

Sept. 25, 2023
The new visual identity mirrors ACT’s technological innovation. As technology reshapes the world, ACT’s rebrand becomes pivotal to mirror its advanced solutions, which reshape energy landscapes.
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Advanced Charging Technologies, Inc.'s rebrand symbolizes ACT’s realignment with cutting-edge solutions and strong core values: trust, unity, ownership, family, growth, and investment.

“ACT is committed to a sustainable future, challenging the green tech status quo,” says Michael K. Nelson, president at ACT. “The rebrand of our logo and the launch of our new website are the first of many steps into the future.”

The new visual identity mirrors ACT’s technological innovation. As technology reshapes the world, ACT’s rebrand becomes pivotal to mirror its advanced solutions, which reshape energy landscapes. This revitalized identity encapsulates the sophistication and innovation synonymous with ACT’s comprehensive suite of charging and energy management solutions, catering to a wide range of industries and needs.

As part of its evolution, ACT unveils a new website. This online platform reflects the dedication to innovation, providing an intuitive space to explore advanced solutions and sustainable energy initiatives.

Central to ACT’s rebrand is a foundation of trust, reliability, and unity. ACT is a family, in addition to a manufacturer, and regards its clients as integral to that family. Trust and exceptional performance are the foundation for ACT’s pursuit to elevate efficiencies and direct initiatives toward sustainable energy solutions.

More than merely being a charging equipment provider, ACT empowers informed decision-making through its diverse range of products and services, including advanced analytics, fleet optimization, and green energy integration. Holding ISO 9001-2015 certification, ACT underscores its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability in all aspects of its operations. This dedication makes ACT a wellspring of guidance on clients’ paths toward a more sustainable and efficient future.

As ACT expands globally, its essence remains unchanged. A promise of consistency persists, regardless of location. This rebrand isn’t about altering identity; it’s about spotlighting unwavering dedication on a worldwide stage.

‘Empowering Global Progress through Technological Excellence’ transcends vision; it’s ACT’s blueprint. Leading as a tech manufacturer and driver of global innovation, ACT is resolute in shaping the future through quality, creativity, and growth.