Qore Performance, Inc.

McLean, VA 22102


About Qore Performance, Inc.


1575 Anderson Rd
McLean, VA 22102

More Info on Qore Performance, Inc.

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Interested in improving employee retention, productivity, and safety? Qore Performance designs and builds American made products that protect users working in extreme weather conditions, maximizing performance and safety. Serving customers from industries as wide-range as airlines, quick serve restaurants, military, and schools, last summer our customers worked over 200,000 man hours without a single minute lost to heat. Reach out to start protecting your team today.

Products and Press Releases

Aviation Small
Safety Equipment

HiVis StayFrosty Vest

April 15, 2019
The HiVis StayFrosty Vest is a wearable safety and hydration vest that uses frozen water to cool the user and provide water to stay hydrated. The vests are used across the Sun...

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