
Sept. 13, 2023
Ufa At Vehicle 64a5917aba162 6502425d93b47

UFA's ATVehicle aircraft pushback and towing training simulator not only promotes green and safe GSE operations, but also delivers tangible benefits, including reduced training costs, lower fuel and energy consumption, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced operational efficiency. By embracing this innovative solution, companies can improve performance while minimizing their environmental impact.

ATVehicle immerses trainees in a customizable, simulated airport environment that replicates actual operational conditions, ensuring a lifelike training experience and first exposure to unusual and uncommon training scenarios. Moreover, training in a simulated environment eliminates the potential for accidents, ensuring the safety of personnel, equipment, and aircraft. Increased pushback frequency allows trainees to achieve faster learning success, building skills and confidence efficiently while significantly reducing training time. Transitioning to simulation-based training minimizes fuel consumption (including energy needs for electric tugs) and carbon emissions. Reduced vehicle wear and tear decreases maintenance costs, saving valuable resources for GSE operators.

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